Wednesday, March 12, 2014

25 ways the Internet has made you, you.

1. You’ve got mail!
You can send and receive messages instantaneously

2. It’s your humour
Where would the world be without Chuck Norris Memes, GIFS, Vine compilations and 10 reasons your cat wants to kill you?

3. It’s your travels
See, hear and explore what China is like from the comfort of your home in Johannesburg. Your travel itinerary is but a click away

4. It’s your news
Nothing beats the live streaming of a murder trial.

5.It’s your music
Find and listen to mixed tapes, album launches, new artists and all the latest news about your favourite musician.

6. It’s your art
Share your tutorials, upload your work and become your own style guide.

7. It’s your stories
Blog, tweet and facebook about your day. There’s always someone listening.

8. It’s your interest
Find and share your interest with people who also like pinna colada’s and long walks in the rain

9. It’s your shopping
Spend hours trawling shops for the perfect purchase without leaving the comfort of your bed.

10. It’s your finances
Manage and get access to your finances straightaway.

11. It’s your politics
Say what you want to say. Follow who you want to follow. Starting a revolution is easier than you think.

12. It’s your connections
Everyone you want to know can be found, followed and networked into your realm of contact.

13. It’s your business
The world knows about your business.

14. It’s your marketing
Measure, optimize and advertise through social media at little to no cost.

15. It’s your library
Everything you need to know about anything is somewhere on the net. Google it.

16. It’s your god
Spend more than an hour without Internet and you’ll start feeling lost and without purpose.

17. It’s your friends
Keep in touch every second of the day with people who really matter.

18. It’s your lover
Fall in love and share your life with them.

19. It’s your missing link
Analyze Big Data and connect the dots.

20. It’s your discovery
Research the reams of information online and come up with your own conspiracy theories.

21. It’s your voice
Finally, there’s a place that allows you to express yourself however you want to.

22. It’s your world
Find your exact geographical location from space.

23. It’s your moments
Share and search for photos that mean something to you.

24. It’s your body
Be your own doctor and diagnose yourself with a rare disease.

25. It’s your life
You’re immortal - your digital footprint lasts forever